Love is Divine, with Michelle Cowles
Love is Divine Podcast
When Love Hurts
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When Love Hurts

Lessons from the Fifth Dimension on navigating love and separation with grace. Blessings dear ones.

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How do we navigate different rates of growing awareness? For all those suffering separation from a family member or close friend right now, this is for you.

The fallout from the shift from Third Dimensional thinking to the limitless love of the Fifth Dimension is that new ways of thinking and being can be challenging to those we love. And it can present quite a conundrum as we work our way through whatever circumstances we have manifested.

From this position we now understand that:

  • we are not and cannot act as someone’s ‘protector’.

  • it isn’t possible to comfortably spend time with those who have not yet learnt self-responsibility.

  • we cannot ‘save’ those we love.

  • we cannot carry another’s blame.

  • we cannot ‘save’ those who want us to save them.

  • holding onto old grievances serves no-one, especially not ourselves.

  • our feelings of guilt are not helpful.

  • we cannot force another to love us in return.

  • our circumstance is part of our (and their) Soul evolution.

  • in Source we each love unconditionally and have enormous empathy for our Earthly exploits.

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It is well and good to read about it in this way, but how do we come to terms with the physical reality of separation when it exists within the bounds of our own families and personal lives?

Navigating empty seats at the table. Photo by Kevin Schmid

Finding a way to step carefully between two factions while loving both or having to learn to respect the choices of someone dear in our own family who is not open to resolution is part of our growth. It is heartbreaking at worst and tricky at best. I found it helpful to understand the dynamics behind these experiences and hope it offers you some comfort too.

Our Interconnected Being

In rising to the Fifth Dimension, we have come to recognise our self-accepted co-dependent relationships are fostered by the illusion of separation and chosen to leave this notion behind.

Remembering ancient wounds and choosing something different in this lifetime is our work.

Now we have re-awoken to our interconnection, remembering every thought, word and action impact the collective. Finally, we are ready to live with true compassion and empathy knowing that what we do to anyone of us (including ourselves) we do to all. If you are still exploring this you will find more in the link below:

Unconditional Love

With this new awareness, the path to unconditional love is our work:

  • To love without condition.

  • To hold compassion without condition.

  • To reserve judgment without condition.

  • To hold respect, regardless of the circumstance.

  • To no longer try to ‘save’, fill perceived deficits, or view individual growth from a lack perspective.

  • Holding an open heart and observing healthy boundaries that respect self and others, is our healing.

  • Withdrawing judgment, sadness, and doubt, gives the other the maximum opportunity to rise.

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Old Grievances Must Surface

There are no short cuts. As we rise in consciousness, unresolved emotions are brought to the surface, urging us to heal past wounds. Throughout Earth we are seeing this shakeup in our lives, in the lives of others and in the relationships between cultures. Unconditional love in this context encourages forgiveness—not just of others, but also of ourselves. You, like me, dear ones, have and will continue to make ‘mistakes’ simply by being human.

‘Mistakes’ as Opportunities

Through our experiences, we are invited to apply our freewill and try new strategies.

Cause + Effect = Choice

Our decisions create experiences which have an outcome or consequence. We can then decide if we want more or less of any given outcome. This application of Freewill is the essence of being human. That is all.

While we grow through acknowledging hurts and resolving grievances where we can, we do not need to punish ourselves for past experiences, nor chase forgiveness when the other is not ready.

Why? Because our connections and experiences are not by accident. We agree to help each other grow and evolve in the physical through our relationships BEFORE we come into the physical in the hope we will remember the unconditional love we are. By releasing old grievances, we create space for healthier, energetic shifts and authentic relationships - even if you are the only one to recognise this as yet.

No More Victimhood

Whether participating actively or passively as a victim, we deny ourselves self-responsibility and healing. A rampaging Ego fixated on drama, word-games, blame, manipulation, or other ‘punishing’ behaviours directed at self or others is truly one that is suffering.

  • Victimhood deserves our compassion.

  • Playing the role of whipping boy or being an endless sounding board to someone else’s drama does not benefit anyone.

  • Accepting someone is a ‘victim’ strips them of their power and self-belief.

  • Loving and believing we each evolve in our Divine right timing is empowering.

  • Each soul deserves respect for the willingness to grow through suffering on the Earth plane.

  • Regardless of how we may have collaborated in co-dependent relationships in the past is irrelevant beyond our actions in this moment.

How open our heart is in this moment is what defines our experience.


Many a life has been saved by checking in with each other (if you are unsure how to do this click on RUOK?). While we cannot force another to take any suggested path to healing, we can do our best to ensure they survive their experience and find the blessing of growth.

If you, or someone you love, are experiencing suicidal ideation seek help immediately. Call 000 in Australia or your relevant emergency hotline in other countries.

No More Judgment

In the non-physical we are unconditional love - offering and receiving love freely. Our increasing shifts to ascension consciousness honours this, encouraging us to accept others as they are, understanding that everyone is on their unique trajectory and deserving of love and respect.

From the Heart

The Fifth Dimension is the dimension of the heart. We move from Ego-driven exchanges of blame and vitriol to heart-centered dialogues. This means expressing thoughts and feelings openly, honestly, and kindly. We all thrive when we listen deeply and share vulnerably while honouring our connection to each other.

These conversations occur when both are ready.

What to do if the other person is not yet ready? Honour their wishes, hold space and maintain unconditional love. Rather than trying to change others we have to accept change occurs in our own right timing. Instead, we are invited to respect their unique trajectory to awareness.

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Is this the Mirror? Checking In

The hurts others cause are always a projection of where they themselves are at. When we recognise this we are free of reaction. However, if we are hurting, triggered, judging others or ourselves, we are invited to go within and work on our self-love. Our unhealed reactions are always outward signs, directed manifestations as messages from our Higher Self. The more we offer ourselves unconditional love, the more capacity we have to love others genuinely.

Detachment or Ending Co-dependency

Unconditional love involves detachment from specific outcomes. In relationships, this means letting go of the fear others will no longer love us if we do or don’t do something. It means no longer needing to control or dictate how others should feel or act to preserve any outcome.

Holding onto co-dependency, however, is a signal that we need to find our own self-love. The underlying fear of loneliness can prevent us from creating space for those who will really love us for who we are. And fear itself is a vibration that does not support good health. Embracing the concept of detachment is a powerful force of change and aligns us with the joy of loving free from expectation.

There is more on learning how to bear witness rather than be wound into other’s experiences here:

We are Love

Trying to hold onto what was when it no longer serves will not bring us joy.

We cannot choose to be less than we are and retain wellness.

By fostering acceptance, letting go of judgment, supporting growth, and communicating from the heart, we cultivate deeper connections that reflect the highest expression of love.

With unconditional love, accept your lack of perfection and free yourself to be the Divine love you are.

Let go of Fear and Control

Ego, do we really want more of the same, or are we ready to take a risk and choose something different?

Throwing our caution, doubt, fear and worries to the wind, and sending them outwards with a prayer of love places our beingness under the guidance of our Higher Self. And yes, this gets easier when we have reached enough ‘roadblocks’ showing us how illusory our notion of control really is.

Set fears to the winds. Photo by seth schwiet

All things as they should be.

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Like you, I am a work in progress. I live, aim to notice what I create, seek to grow in greater awareness and apply this awareness to my life.

Sometimes it feels like juggling.

And sometimes it isn’t as easy as it could be.

Sometimes it feels as if the sorrows of generations sit on the shoulders and weigh the heart.

And then I remember that we are each Divinely guided.

And sometimes this awareness is so beautiful, it feels as if the heart could burst in radiance.

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Blessed be

Michelle Cowles

Spiritual Leader/Teacher/Learner

Copyright Michelle Cowles 2024

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Love is Divine, with Michelle Cowles
Love is Divine Podcast
You are joy and are here to expand.
Irrevocably connected to each other, we lift the world by lifting ourselves. As a Spiritual Healer, I am here to help those who seek alignment, and to learn to fully love and accept the divine miracle we are.
Michelle, Spiritual Healer