Love is Divine, with Michelle Cowles
Love is Divine Podcast
Are you a Pain Empath?
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -12:47

Are you a Pain Empath?

An anecdote and a learning: Your broken toe, my sore toe. Your aching back, the stab between my shoulder blades. The journey to understanding your pain and how to release it.
In this article:
An Awakening
Who or What sits on Your Hips?
Feet and Ankle Messages
Ask Your Divine Wisdom
For the Awakened Healer
Divine Receptors
Injuries to the Ankle Axis Pole
What Causes the Imbalance
Moving Beyond Discord
Activities to Restore Balance
Alignment Through Breath
Earthly Harmony

I discovered through clinic that I am a pain empath.

Love is Divine, with Michelle Cowles is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

In the early days I had a particular client who would lay on the massage table, and I would begin a series of kinesiology corrections to escalating levels of pain across my back. This would be accompanied by needing to yawn. Not small, tight little yawns, but large lioness sized, oh my Goddess, get me outside onto the earth and clear myself kind of yawns.

As a (yet uninformed, it later turned out) professional practitioner, I would stifle them as best I could, until I had to excuse myself under some pretext and quietly escape out of the front door. Standing barefooted, I would tip myself over to place my hands on Mother Earth and clear, and clear, and clear. Awkward in that moment.

An Awakening

For quite some time I could not figure out what was happening. As always, the Universe answered my questions with synchronicity and Divine guidance. As my right wrist felt a stabbing pain, I was prompted to ask a client, ‘What do you notice at your right wrist?’.

Surprised, they answered that their right wrist also hurt. In their mind’s eye they could see they wore a wide filigreed gold bracelet. It didn’t feel good. We explored where it came from, who gave them the bracelet, and what the bracelet signified. Held back in an earlier lifetime, they felt bound by a partner through fear and pain, unable to give and receive fluidly. We repaired the imbalance, and they reported their pain also cleared. As did mine.

This was the beginning of a new way of practicing as I no longer ignored the twinges in my own body when working with clients. There were no coincidences. Overtime, I learnt to trust and even come to rely on mirrored discomfort to resolve imbalance.

The yawning? In Divine timing the universe sent a well-versed energy healer my way. I had been trained that breathwork benefited the client and encouraging them to breathe deeply to release imbalance hastened restoring harmony in the body. She demonstrated how the use of her breath effectively released imbalance from the client’s body.

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Finally on the right path, I came to learn we can maneuver our breath, our life-force, to connect with higher solar energies. The irrepressible need to yawn was only ever my body’s way of clearing the smog or astral sordidness from the client’s lesser etheric body.

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woman blowing leaves in autumn forest
Our breath is powerful. Photo by Colton Sturgeon

These were lessons to be learnt through the evolution of practice.

As the journey continues, I have discovered many healers are here, continuing to clear imbalance through their physical bodies. This past fortnight has brought hip discomfort as we release what we and all are carrying at our hips. It has also included numerous incidents of foot and ankle discomfort.

Important: Always see your doctor to address physical symptoms as needed. And then look to the message in the symptom.

How is it that two or more can experience similar symptoms at the same time? There are many who are here to prepare Earth and mass consciousness for the changes and shifts that are yet to come. It should not come as a surprise that we are empaths, programmed to be attuned to feeling and feelings. This does not mean we are destined to be victims to feeling our or other’s pain.

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Who or What Sits on Your Hips?

Our hips store family problems, from the present as well as records of generations past. Here we hold a sense of responsibility, feelings of manipulation, guilt, lack of acknowledgement, anger, and betrayal. The residue of conflict from thousands of years is recorded in our energetic memory and combined with the shared memory of trauma with Mother Earth and all of Mass Consciousness. Perhaps we need to ask ourselves, who or what are we carrying on our hip? Or perhaps it is more about healing this ancient residue.

Stop and take a moment to ask your body. It holds all the answers you need.

Feet and Ankle Messages

Feet and ankles generally suggest the need to move forward in an enlightened and aligned direction. I’ll include a little more detail here, but with a forewarning that awakened healers are an exception and it is likely that these probably won’t resonate as a need for self-growth. And so, a little more specifically:

Feet: Injuries to our feet can inform of a need to trust our intuition or highlight feelings of stuckness and indecision. The right foot suggesting obligation, anger, irritation and the use of force rather than allowing flow. The left is more aligned with imbalances between giving and receiving, feeling disappointed that things haven’t turned out the way you intended.

Heels: Pain in the heels can remind us of the need to stop tiptoeing around, speak our truth, get grounded and address internal conflict.

Toes: Indicate unclear direction, judgment, confusion, unworthiness, self-sabotage, lack of control, fearful.

Ankles: Too much responsibility, feeling trapped in relationships or situations, lack of trust, feeling unbalanced. The right ankle can represent feeling challenged by male authority, or giving power away to a man. It may also alert us to the need to say ‘no’. The left ankle, however, relates to needing to listen to your own intuition, behaving as a slave to others - particularly family or work.

Ask your Divine Wisdom

Again - always see your doctor if needed.

And then place your hands gently over the part of the foot or ankle that feels the dis-comfort and ask it to tell you, or show you by creating a mental image, what is causing the discomfort. Trust the first thing that comes to mind, take time to process and take the most appropriate action.

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For the Awakened Healer

The discomfort… Yours? Or others?

Some of us have been ‘doing our work’ for a long time. So long, in fact, that we come to realise the suggested imbalances no longer resonate and it can no longer be ‘ours’. By this I mean we heal in layers- first the physical, present lifetime, then ancestrally, and finally reaching out into the greater non-physical realms. As we mop up our karmic imbalances, we extend into parallel lifetimes and move through the holographs that hold our energetic coding, leading back to the division of the primordial atom. (More about this in an article to follow.)

Sometimes we step into an energetic vortex or collect a passer-by’s funk and we know to clear that.

Restoring balance. Photo by Andrey Zaychuk

But what if we have signed up for far greater clearings?

I have been aware for some time, that like the trees, many of us hold a channel of light between Source and Earth that transmutes and guides unhealed energies back to Source. This is a rudimentary way of lifting earth’s vibration because we are still drawing external energy through our physicality to restore harmony.

And yet there is more…

Divine Receptors

Our ankles and feet are Divine receptors and the lowest of the three etheric axis poles in the human form. Close to the earth, they attract energetic attack from unhealed energies that surround and merge with earth’s mantle. Ann Ree Colton refers to these energies as Polarity Dwellers. We are far more likely to attract this form of energetic attack once we become aware of our spiritual ability. The unhealed actions of mankind and the fruit of these actions -unhealed or evil intelligence- seek to create disruption by literally throwing the spiritual seeker off-balance.


Injuries to the Ankle Axis Pole

We are standing in the cross-currents of merging astral magnetism and earth’s gravity; at varying points, literally walking through any low vibration or earthbound energies. Our injuries to the ankles or feet occur because of holes in our auric field and indicate imbalance. The penetration of our auric field can be caused by:

  • imbalance in the etheric body (the layer closest to our physical body) and the emotional will

and / or

  • an imbalance between our emotional body and thought.

What Causes the Imbalance?

The underlying emotional discord looks like prejudice, faultfinding, or hyperfocus on injustice.

Moving Beyond Discord

Every time we step forward as spiritual disciples and leaders, for this is our purpose, we strengthen our convictions, access greater wisdom, and move closer to the unconditional love we are. As healers and lightworkers moving into alignment with Divine purpose, there is always a risk that unhealed energies will seek to throw us off our path. It can be a mark of the degree of evolution gained, as unhealed energy will always clamour to challenge the spiritually enlightened using malice, waves of doubt and other degrees of negativity to retain power.

To clear and strengthen your purpose and energetic being, breathe in deeply and claim it:

I stand in the will of Christ Consciousness.
If I collect anyone’s dis-ease, beliefs or pain, I command it is automatically transmuted to harmony and returned to Source.
And so it is.

Harmony. Photo by Nathan McBride

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Alignment Through Breath

It took a little while to realise the power in a yawn and its function!

Breath is the sacred force that gives and signals life in the physical. We come into the physical with our first drawing of air into the body and we leave with its last exhalation. In between the two moments, it cycles rhythmically through the body often un-noticed or un-thought of.

This powerful, vital force works in a circular clockwise direction refreshing all cells and organs of the body. As we come to recognise its power, we can use it to deliberately draw through the body, clearing energetic discord from the etheric body, regenerating and purifying our mind-body-spirit.

Two Breathwork Activities to Clear Discord

Unending Waterfall

Stand on the earth barefooted (or imagine you are if this is not possible). As you breath in deeply, visualise drawing your breath up from the soles of your feet - see it growing and expanding upwards into your legs, through your torso and up to the top of your head.

Then, on the outbreath, imagine it flowing out of your crown at the top of your head and falling back to your feet as if you are standing under a waterfall.

Repeat for a few minutes, longer, or until you yawn.

Alternate Nostril Breathing

You may like to try this simple Pranayama breathing technique demonstrated at Everyday Health. Notice how little, even a minute, of focused cyclic breathing changes your sense of peace and alignment.

Earthly Harmony

Whether you resonate with the first list of underlying messages or whether you are already on your healer path and identify with the second, you matter.

The more we do what it is we need to be in alignment, the more we release Earth-bound or other entrapped energies from Mother Earth and collective consciousness. Send love to doubt and unworthiness, keeping focus on finding joyful moments in the present.

When we trust that our spiritual path unfolds in Divine right timing, we hold faith that glitches or trip-ups are merely distractions.

Blessings, dear ones.

Michelle Cowles

Spiritual Leader/Teacher/Learner

Copyright Michelle Cowles 2024

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Disclaimer: The information on this page is general, lifestyle information and should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. If this article raises mental health issues, please contact your General Practitioner, mental health worker, or Lifeline on 13 11 14 (Australia) OR find support by country at

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