Michelle I thank you for this program. The step by step helps me so much to make small progress and keeps me more on track. It’s like it gives a simple path of growth through so much information overload and noise.

Last week was a turning point for me already in realizing that I didn’t put the same value on beingness as I did on the doing. I’m shifting that perspective and this past week have found more stillness, silence and beingness has come out of it. 🙏💜

What has resonated with me with this post is where the criticism and judgement came from and how to start to release it from my life.

Initially I’m noticing that my mother and her lineage judged based on religion and beliefs while my dad and his lineage judged based on culture and wealth. Wow! So many standards to meet and so many bars that are way too high to reach. How many of those have I taken on and passed on!!

How much pressure we therefore put on ourselves to be a certain way to be good enough/loved/accepted the list goes on….

How much more silence, stillness and beingness we can experience with a few less bars to reach for!

Thanks Michelle 💜🙏

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From the program guru, your comments mean so much! Thanks D, I'm so glad we tread this wonky, wonderful path together. All those years of busting ourselves, running on adrenaline and thoughts of delivering the perfect program to engage and inspire others to reach for their dreams and it turns out we were only ever trying to reach the 'dream' within ourselves.

Imagine as lightworkers, we simply needed to STOP and forgive ourselves and everyone for everything and BE. Mind-bending. I'll let you know what it truly feels like when I get still enough to know its bliss beyond moments- and I know you will do the same.

Peeling back layers asks us to look at our patterns and offer the wounds we carry and created in our ignorance (and according to our and others' Divine plans).

Yesterday, I felt incredulous that even after all this work I still breathed out layers of guilt, responsibility and shame. Thank goodness we have found the courage to feel and to know stillness.

I'd love to hear how others are going.

With love to you and every one of us - from my heart to yours. M x

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Self Compassion is the secret to life! IMO, I’m glad to find your series. Love it! As an empath myself this article hit me!

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Welcome Rachel! I'm so glad you are here. Ram Dass's words, 'we are all walking each other home,' comes to mind. So many beautiful souls connecting. Thank you!

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Such beautiful synchronicity when I received your week 3 article Michelle. For the past few days my daily meditation has had a natural flow toward self love, compassion and grace. No coincidence there.

Denise Baffis wrote ‘asking where criticism and judgement for ourselves comes from and releasing it’

We certainly are our harshest critics! I too am asking when and where did this come from.

After many decades of therapy and reading self help books, I’ve finally learned (thank you Michelle) that it’s not enough to listen to a podcast, guru, healer or read an article/book. Only by going inward can we hear what the universe and our angels want us to know.

I am thoroughly enjoying the 10 week journey.

Thank you Michelle 🙏🏻🪽❤️

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I'm so glad to hear, Jennifer! I feel YOU are leading the way in so many ways. I write what rises and then try to live it, adopt it. When I read your comments, I am inspired to keep going. With love and thanks, Michelle x

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Week 3 🌈👌🏼🙌🏼🥰✍🏻🙏🏼 thank you Michelle

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You are very welcome, Claire! Thanks for joining me x

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