Sharing the Journey

“We are all just walking each other home.” Ram Dass

Welcome to Love is Divine, I’m so glad you are here!

At some point, we all seek to make sense of our world, and my mission is to help guide you inward, to the infinite wisdom that already resides within you. Through Love is Divine, we explore the deeper truths of life — ones that go beyond the surface and connect us to a higher, infinite selves.

I publish regularly — at least several times a week. There may be brief pauses as I integrate new information because I am ‘doing the work’ too!

My guidance comes from a variety of sources: my Higher Self, the wisdom that flows through clinic, ancient teachings, and insights from the angelic realms, ascended masters, and our cosmic family — all who are supporting us on our collective journey toward healing and growth. Together, we heal ourselves and our beautiful Earth from the low vibrations we’ve accumulated, so we can live in joy, unconditional love, and higher consciousness.

Please join us - I am so happy you are here!

Why Subscribe?

Subscribing to Love is Divine means you’ll have access to regular articles, self-healing practices, ascension meditations, podcasts, and more. Your support helps me continue creating and sharing valuable resources that I hope uplift and inspire us all.

Free Subscriptions

I believe these teachings should be accessible to everyone, so articles will always be available for free. The wisdom I share comes from years of experience and my clinic work, and my goal is to make this transformative information available without the hefty price tag. We can all heal and grow together.

Paid Subscriptions

If you’re ready (and able!) to honor the energetic exchange for the time and care I put into creating these resources, a paid subscription will grant you exclusive access to:

  • Good karma!

  • Exclusive e-Booklet: "Working with Energy" — a comprehensive guide drawn from hours and hours of clinic time. In it you will find information about energy, how it flows, practical techniques for managing your own energy and that of others.

  • Global Goodwill: A portion of your subscription supports the Fred Hollows Foundation, helping to end preventable blindness and provide vision care to marginalized communities. I love the work of this humble, Australian Outback born human, and the work his foundation continues to do.

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If you appreciate the resources in Love is Divine and are not ready for whatever reason for a paid subscription, may I suggest…

A One-Time Payment of any amount you choose. It might simply be for a cup of chai (my favourite!), or whatever resonates for you.

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Our Work

As human beings, we all have egos, energetic hangovers from our previous Lifetimes or Ancestors, and we are here in this physical form to remember the Divine beings we truly are. My work — and the work we do together — is about unlocking this deeper truth and healing ourselves and the planet. It is my belief that we are all in this together, and our Higher Selves are always guiding us toward greater understanding and love.

I invite you to take a moment, grab your favorite drink, and find some quiet space to explore your own Divine essence. Thank you for being part of this metaphysical community. It’s a big, beautiful life — and we are here to live it to the fullest.


Michelle Cowles

Spiritual Healer/Energy Therapist/Lightworker

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Welcome, dear reader! ‘Love is Divine’ is the reminder of who we are. Offering insights and support to create beautiful change, one person at a time. Please share and subscribe to spread the healing energy of love. Blessings, Michelle x


Lightworker, energy healer, learner and teacher, unraveling all that was to create space for all that is. Remember who you are. Blessings Michelle x