The Dance of Christos and Sophia: A Path to Inner Harmony
Introducing the Sophia energy and the fusion of the Divine Masculine and Feminine as a transformative force, restoring balance to both the self and the world around us.
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Michelle x
Healing All that Is
As we work to heal the Divine Feminine and Masculine in ourselves, our world and All that Is, we bring about the renewed energy of harmony. I am guided to say ‘renewed’ and yet I question whether there has ever been true harmony in consciousness since the time of our inception at the splitting of the primordial atom. What was, however, is less important than what is in this moment and, for once, I think I can let myself rest in not knowing.
The combining of archetypes of Christ (embodiment of Divine Masculinity) and Sophia (the Divine Feminine), is the merging of Divine love, wisdom, and healing energy. We can think of this combined energy as a spiritual union and rebirth through transformation, and the balanced integration of these two principles. Perhaps you already have insights into the understandings of the Christos and Sophia energies. Please share to grow our collective understanding!
Christos: The Divine Masculine
Christ is Divine love, compassion, and the higher consciousness that embodies unconditional love, healing, and sacrifice. Note this refers to sacrificing one’s Ego rather than martyring oneself. - more on this in another article.
Sophia: The Divine Feminine
Sophia is from the Greek, meaning "wisdom" and references the Cosmic Mother, embodied in the cosmos and our own Earth Mother. Representing the Divine Feminine, this energy embodies qualities like wisdom, intuition, nurturing, creativity, and understanding.
Sophia and the Flower Kingdom - a Gift
To understand the essence of Sophia and her Divine gifts, imagine the seed of a flower. Each seed is a reflection of the primordial atom, complete in its ability to create and containing layers of ether that sustain it which connect to eternity, the sun, the moon, and the other planets in our solar system. Whether embedded in the soil of Mother Earth, the source of the plant she sustains, or dangling from the spent head of the flower that symbolises the astral, the seed connects to all, as above, so below.
Flowers are the first embodiment of living creation, reminding us of our cyclic nature and innate abundance. The flowers, Sophia grace, work to build cosmos-genesis - the time when human emotional bodies are completely filled with living spirit, rather than conditional love.
The bridal costume of Nature, flowers signify the wedding between the soul of human and angel. We can draw on the wisdom of the Divine Feminine, hand in hand with the Angels of Presence who work with the floral kingdom to sustain love and hope through transition. As I write, I am reminded of a dear friend’s connection to the Flower Divas. It is reassuring to remember this energy is woven through many realms, all working for expanded consciousness and the release of the illusion of trauma.
And so we come to understand the loving energy of Sophia as one of repair and reconnection.
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Two Teachers for Humanity
While Sophia’s Divine wisdom unfolds of the world to how it could be, the Christ energy is seen as a representation of Divine grace (redemption from our own illusory beliefs) and enlightenment. Our New Earth is a combination of Christ’s offering of inner truth, and Sophia’s guiding force.
Integration into our Now
Have you ever felt torn between the nurturing wisdom within you and the strength to take decisive action? What if healing those divides within could lead to a deeper sense of peace and balance?
In modern spirituality, the Christos Sophia energy is often used as a symbol of personal transformation and enlightenment. It's a reminder of the importance of integrating both love (Christ) and wisdom (Sophia) in everyday life.
Yes, we may feel discomfort in sidelining our conscious minds and following our hearts, but it truly leads to inner peace.
We can draw on these loving energies to manifest higher states of consciousness and bring greater harmony into our lives as we continue to grow towards sovereignty.
Spiritual and Healing Practices
How can we access the Sophia Christos energy to support us?
Give thanks and invoke both in spiritual practices that focus on healing, transformation, and ascension.
Touch the earth gently.
Call on the Angels of Presence, revere Mother Nature and her work, offer respect to her creations, remembering she reflects us - our Divine potential for beauty.
Whether in meditation, prayer, or energy work, invoke the Divine energies of Sophia Christos to support your growth and collective awakening, and to restore harmony between the masculine and feminine aspects of the self and all. Blessed be.
In short, the Christos Sophia energy is an empowering force for spiritual growth, balance, and healing, reflecting the sacred union of Divine wisdom and love.
We are not here to do our work alone.
Blessings, dear ones
Michelle Cowles
Spiritual Leader/Teacher/Learner
Copyright Michelle Cowles 2024
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