Earth in Distress
How do we correct the harmful impact we as a race are having on other species? The seismic blasting of our oceans is repeatedly being brought to my attention.
All are One Energy
We are all infinitely connected.
Our participation in the world - our thoughts, feelings, actions - has energetic resonance. The Earth and her inhabitants are showing us that we are not operating for the Highest Good of all.
Erase any doubt by checking this notion logically, with intuition, the feeling that you get when you read this, muscle testing, or a search of the 'net for an Earth in distress.
Seismic blasting impacts all of us. We are vibrational beings who experience energy as vibration. The energy of discord affects all, however, water particles are more densely packed than air, and accordingly, water acts as a conduit for sound to travel more quickly and as an amplifier of that sound. When we think of the distress loud noises cause to us, a jackhammer, incessant barking, or shouting, what must the impact of blasting have on all marine life? And how is this type of blasting any different from the illegal method of blast fishing?
When we consider the vast area of seismic blasting, how realistic is it to imagine Woodside are able to monitor for whales and cease blasting until they pass?
"Seismic blasting involves firing high powered compressed air cannons at the ocean floor in order to identify oil and gas reserves through the sound produced. These blasts are so powerful that they penetrate deep into the seabed and occur every 10-15 seconds, sometimes for months at a time. According to the Australian Marine Conservation Society, the noise generated by these blasts can reach 250 decibels – 1,000,000 times more powerful than the loudest sound a whale is capable of making."
How do we correct the harmful impact we as a race are having on other species? By better understanding it - there are a series of articles below.
Why are we continuing to search and mine fossil fuels, when Australia is committed to moving away from this energy source? And if it is needed so badly, why is it not being used to predominantly support Australians?
“This is an export-first, profit-driven fossil fuel proposal where both the gas and most of the profit will be sent overseas. West Australians have nothing to gain from Scarborough going ahead, but our state’s iconic and endangered species have so much to lose."
The document signed by then Premier, Mark McGowan, is a long term plan indicating the government will keep check requiring Woodside “report to the State six monthly during the Construction Phase and annually during the Operations and Decommissioning Phase” Scarborough Project Development Deed.pdf (
"As the vessel travels along the survey lines a series of noise pulses will be directed every 6-9 seconds down through the water column and the seabed. " Duration "45 days" in daylight hours; over "5,597 km2"
“The activities happening in our sea country are affecting places of cultural significance and disrupting our songlines,” she alleged. “The whales are showing us all around the world that they are in trouble, and if they are in trouble then so is our very existence."
"For decades, Woodside has had a robust approach to identifying and managing potential environmental impacts and risks associated with our offshore activities."
I want a voice and choose to offer words with love when words are needed. This is one of those times I feel asked to take a stand and make a difference through actions. I invite you to join me if it feels right for you. Here are several ways to be heard:
Hon Roger Cook MLP - Premier of WA. Message at
Australian Marine Conservation Society - learn, donate to support action
Change.Org - sign the petition
Greenpeace - learn, donate to support legal action
Green Left - contact your member or Green representative
Environmental Defenders Office - learn, contact
Raise our vibration. Speak up if it feels right.
If this article resonates, please acknowledge it! A ❤️, a donation, a subscription, a comment. I love that you are here and am blessed we share this journey.
Michelle x
My intent is that our decision makers be filled with the unconditional love of Source and reminded of the inherent truth of who they are.
One energy, one world, many universes.
This correction will not happen with the vibration of anger or hate.
I want all policy makers to know that I want us to find better ways to balance our economic needs.
I believe in us.
If this speaks to you, please speak about it.
You matter.
We matter.
Michelle Cowles
Spiritual Leader/Teacher/Learner
Copyright Michelle Cowles 2023
Disclaimer: The information on this page is general, lifestyle information and should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. If this article raises mental health issues, please contact your General Practitioner, mental health worker, or Lifeline on 13 11 14